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Your Brand

Your Music.


Integriramo tehnologiju i umjetnost.

Upoznajte MUSICDJ, najnoviju generaciju Brand Experience platforme.
Vaše sveobuhvatno rješenje za audio i video brendiranje. Upravljanje sadržajem istovremeno na više lokacija nikada nije bilo lakše, pametnije ili povoljnije.

MUSICDJ je precizno osmišljena platforma koja stvara atmosferu i odražava vaš brend i filozofiju. Pomažemo vam da koristite pažljivo odabrane glazbene i video sadržaje, kao i tehnologiju kako biste dodatno privukli potrošače.

Jedno rješenje,

neograničene mogućnosti.
Pretstavljamo MUSICDJ REMOTE .Upravljanje playerima istovremeno na više lokacija nikada nije bilo lakše, pametnije ili pristupačnije.


  • Real-time CLOUD remote control !!!
  • Ne kontroliše se putem lokalne mreže
  • Neograničen broj lokacija
  • Simultana kontrola za sve zone
  • Promjena playlisti, strimova i volumena

Player app koja nikad ne prekida emitovanje

We take care of the music

so you can focus on your business.

Prava glazba u pravo vrijeme

MUSICDJ je dizajniran da bude savršen partner za vaš posao, poboljšavajući ambijent kvalitetnom glazbom i sadržajem. Bez obzira vodite li lanac hotela, kafić, restoran, fitness centar ili bilo koju drugu vrstu poslovanja, MUSICDJ će se pobrinuti da vaši gosti i kupci uvijek uživaju u ugodnoj atmosferi.


Zahvaljujući automatiziranom sustavu, ne morate brinuti o emitiranju sadržaja, pokretanju ili zaustavljanju glazbe – sve je sinkronizirano s vašim radnim vremenom. Korištenje MUSICDJ platforme je jednostavno i učinkovito, pruža mogućnost da se usredotočite na ono što je stvarno važno – vaš posao.

Glazba za svaki biznis

Digital Signage

Pokažite svoje proizvode, u pravo vrijeme, na pravim mjestima.

Velika je komunikacijska moć prikazivanja slike na televizoru ili videozidu, zbog čega je potrebno emitirati primjeren sadržaj. Sadržaj se može sastojati od ponude usluga i proizvoda, brendiranja, video zapisa, animacija.

MUSICDJ DIGITAL SIGNAGE je vizualno rješenje za lance: maloprodaja, benzinske postaje, hoteli, kafići, fitness i wellness centri.

Više lokacija istovremeno, bilo gdje u svijetu.

"MUSICDJ has completely transformed my experience of broadcasting music. The custom playlist function allows me to create the ultimate mix for any situation, while the remote control function makes managing my tunes a breeze. MUSICDJ offers the best selection of music I've come across. I highly recommend this application!"

Boban - F&B ManagerBelgrade Serbia - Michelin Restaurant

"I've tried countless music apps, but MUSICDJ really stands out. Not only does it offer a superb selection of the best music, but the customized song playlist and remote control functions make it incredibly easy to use. I use MUSICDJ for a complete chain of restaurants "

Stefan - F&B managerDubai UAE

"The possibility of choosing playlists allows me to adjust the atmosphere at any moment according to the current mood of the guests. The remote control function makes it incredibly convenient because I can control all zones at the same time even if I'm not in the hotel. I have recommended MUSICDJ to all my partners!"

Boris - Hotel F&B ManagerKopaonik Hotel 5*

"As a music lover, I was looking for the perfect application and customized playlist for our international retail chain. MUSICDJ fulfilled more than our expectations and needs.
Creating branded radio is very easy to use (just send an email) with remote control capabilities, it's everything I've ever wanted in a music app. We really don't think anymore about broadcasting music in our retail stores."

Regional Marketing managerEU - Premium Perfumeries

100% green

U nastojanju da smanji štetan utjecaj na okoliš i da se uskladi s održivom praksom, MUSICDJ je poduzeo ovaj hrabar korak prema odgovornoj potrošnji energije. Korištenje obnovljivih izvora energije kao što su energija vjetra i solarna energija osigurava da poslužitelji koji pokreću cijelu platformu nisu samo učinkoviti već i ekološki prihvatljivi.

Naša predanost održivosti ne prestaje na razini poslužitelja. Marka nastavlja istraživati druge načine integracije ekološke prakse u svoj poslovni model. Ova inicijativa ne odražava samo predanost MUSICDJ-a pružanju vrhunskih glazbenih iskustava, već i njihovu širu predanost globalnom upravljanju.

Kupci mogu uživati u svojim personaliziranim popisima pjesama, daljinski upravljati svojom glazbom i povezati se s platformom MUSICDJ, znajući da se njihova usluga pokreće obnovljivom energijom.

Frequently asked questions

Music licensing

Businesses that play music, especially in commercial settings like stores, restaurants, or fitness centers, generally need to pay music licensing fees. This is because playing music in a commercial environment typically requires a public performance license.

Music copyright laws protect the intellectual property of the artists, composers, and publishers. When a business plays music to the public, it may be considered a public performance of the copyrighted work, and as such, a license may be required.

Organizations like BMI, ASCAP, and SESAC in the United States manage these rights and issue licenses to businesses. The fees paid for these licenses go to the copyright holders as compensation for the use of their work.

Does MUSICDJ provide licenses?

MUSICDJ bears the costs of the fee ONLY for ROYALTY-FREE music.

What does Royalty Free music catalog mean?

ROYALTY FREE music on MUSICDJ is free. In all other cases, performance rights are not part of the free licenses and must be obtained through the appropriate collective rights society. This means that even when you purchase certain songs and pay a one-time fee to the provider, you still must pay a fee for performance or public broadcasting.”

What does P.R.O music catalog mean?

P.R.O. catalog is music created and registered by composers who are members of the Performing Rights Organization (P.R.O.). Most mainstream artists, songwriters, and TV and film composers are members of a P.R.O.

For these composers and their registered songs, the P.R.O. manages a specific part of their musical copyright known as Performance Rights. Performance Rights include the right to publicly broadcast music on TV or radio stations, to play it in public places (e.g., supermarket, restaurant, theater, or other venues).

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